we specialise in Companion Animals Cat, Dog and New Companion Animals (rabbit, ferret and other)
Our veterinarian
Veterinary surgeonNatacha Zotou, is a member of the Swiss Veterinary Society ( Société des Vétérinaires Suisses) SVS. After graduating in 2006, she continued her academic training by obtaining a Masters diploma on Nutrition.
Natacha has treated many pathological cases and performed a great number of surgeries. She values greatly the experience gained by working on urgent cases while in the team of a large veterinary clinic and also of other cabinets.
A part of her actions is devoted to stray animals, where she offers voluntarily in neutering and additional veterinary care. The reward of their 'miaou' and 'woof' is the best motivation to keep on!
Méd.Vét. Natacha Zotou she has been working in the field of companion animals for a decade. She has enjoyed the love of a pet since her younger years, and becoming a vet was a natural choice for her.
In her personal life she enjoys the company of several cats, a rabbit and a dog.